Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Creamy Avocado Pasta

This recipe is extremely quick and easy - it took me under 15 minutes, including the amount of time it took for the water to boil!  It's like a mild pesto sauce with the creamy texture of alfredo, and it's definitely going on my go-to list of meals for when school starts and I'm pressed for time.

All you need is one avocado, olive oil, garlic cloves or garlic powder, basil, and pasta.

While the pasta is cooking, you can stick the garlic, olive oil, and avocado into a food processor or, in my case, a blender since I don't own a food processor, and get to work on the sauce.  I wasn't sure if the blender would be able to chop the garlic clove fine enough, so I started with one to test it out.  It did an okay job, but if you don't want the occasional bite that's overloaded with garlic and you don't have a food processor, I recommend garlic powder.

The sauce should look something like this when you're done:

In order to make it less creamy, simply add either a little more olive oil or some of the water that the pasta is cooking in.  Also, the garlic and basil amounts can be adjusted to taste.

(2 servings)
  • 2 servings of whole wheat pasta
  • 1 medium avocado (pitted)
  • 1-3 cloves garlic (or 1 1/2 tbs garlic powder)
  • 1 1/2 tbs basil
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • Cook the pasta according to the package directions.
  • Combine the olive oil and garlic in a blender/food processor until smooth.
  • Add the pitted avocado and basil to the blender/food processor and mix until creamy. Taste the sauce to see if you want more garlic, basil, or olive oil/water.
  • Drain the pasta when it's done cooking and mix in with the sauce. Serve immediately.
The original recipe says that the recipe doesn't reheat well due to the avocado in the sauce, so I ate it cold for lunch the next day as if it were a type of pasta salad, and it was pretty good.  However I recommend eating it while warm!

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